Zight provides flexible and
efficient staffing solutions


– let us help you fill full or part-time vacancies

 Flexible staffing

With efficient and flexible staffing, you minimize risk and achieve better sales numbers,
increased profits, higher in-store efficiency, and savings on your wage budget.

We offer quick assistance during urgent staffing needs:

  • Peak seasons

  • Urgent tasks

  • Staff illness

  • Campaigns

  • Leaves of absence

  • Resignations

  • Untimely terminations

  • Etc.

What you get:

  • Staffing flexibility

  • Cost and efficiency resourcess

  • Access to skilled resources

  • Increased competitiveness

  • Additional resources when you need them

  • Etc.

Focus on your core activities

Zight’s many highly qualified candidates are ready to fill temporary roles and/or project appointments, providing you with the flexibility to add or subtract from your personnel according to your workload. And Zight will handle all administrative tasks, leaving you to focus on running your business.

Increase Your Profitability

With Zight Resource Flexibility, you can easily adapt to an ever-changing marketplace, and ensure that your workforce matches your workload while limiting the risk of over-hiring. Whenever possible, we will appoint the same temporary employee to your store or company, so that any intro phase goes as smoothly and quickly as possible.

We guarantee

When you get a temporary employee from Zight, you’re guaranteed a professional and efficient process. We only send candidates that have been through a comprehensive interview process and match our high demands, thus ensuring that we always meet your staffing needs and requirements. Quality of service and customer satisfaction is of the highest importance.

Reach out to us

Call us by
+46 (0) 763 18 97 38 or fill out the form if you want to book an employee.

Contact form

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