We´re looking for licensed opticians, specialists and in-store personnel
– let us help you find your next job
If you’re looking for licensed opticians, skilled in-store personnel or specialists, you’ve come to the right place. Through our Resource Flexibility and Headhunting & Selection departments, we put you in touch with licensed opticians and skilled in-store personnel, for campaign events, full and part-time employment, as well as temporary work during peak seasons, staff illness, leaves of absence, untimely terminations etc.
Employee Bank
Browse our Employee Bank down below to find your next optician or sales employee,
and contact us to start the hiring process.
Fill out contact form below, type in your desired candidate ID, disclose your needs and/or details
of employment, and we will get back to you ASAP.
* GDPR Compliance
Zight’s job and employee banks are only accessible by Zight consultants. It is used exclusively when searching candidates for new vacancies and vice versa.
We ensure complete anonymity pending final agreements, that all candidates and companies are treated with respect and confidentiality, that external partners affiliated with Zight are subject to silence clauses, and that Zight is subject to GDPR laws on the storage and processing of personal data.
Contact form